Discover The Benefits of Relining Your Chimney

Discover The Benefits of Relining your Chimney​

Homeowners aiming for a secure and warm space, especially during the colder seasons, must prioritize the condition of their chimneys. A vital yet often neglected aspect is the need for chimney relining. In this detailed guide, we discuss why relining your chimney is not just an excellent choice but a vital one. Let’s uncover the multifaceted benefits it brings to your home.

What Is Tuckpointing?

What is tuckpointing?

Tuckpointing is a repair process used in masonry to renew the exterior of mortar joints. Mortar is the paste that binds bricks, stones, or concrete together by filling in the gaps between them. Over time, exposure to the elements and the damaging effects of water can cause the mortar in the joints between bricks or stone to deteriorate. When this happens, tuckpointing is often used to improve the masonry’s structural health and appearance.

8 Types of Chimney Damage Caused By Moisture

8 Types of Chimney Damage Caused By Moisture

Moisture is an enemy to your chimney. Chimneys are prone to structural damage, and allowing moisture to accumulate within the chimney will only expedite damage. Annual chimney inspections are recommended to help ensure your chimney is working correctly. Still, another reason to schedule a chimney inspection is that our technicians will notice any structural damage caused by moisture. Having your chimney inspected regularly is a good way of staying ahead of needed maintenance and helps prevent more extensive, costly repairs down the road.

How Often Should A Chimney Be Cleaned?

How Often Should A Chimney Be Cleaned?

The main job of a chimney sweep entails clearing away soot, blockages, and buildup of creosote and other materials from various segments of your chimney. These include the liner, smoke chamber, damper, and firebox. But what exactly is creosote, and why is it critical to eliminate it from your chimney?

How To Prevent Rust On Your Chimney

How to prevent a rusted chimney

Rust is a common issue that can compromise the safety and performance of your chimney. This article will explain the causes of chimney rusting, what to do if it happens, and how to prevent it in the first place. We’ll also discuss why you should contact a professional chimney repair company when you see signs of rust.

What Does A Chimney Rain Pan Do?

What does a chimney cap do

If your chimney currently does not have any cover, consider installing a custom chimney cap. You’ll receive the following benefits to your home as a result.

Who Do You Call For a Leaking Chimney?

Who do you call for a leaking chimney

You may be wondering who you should call if you have a leaking chimney. While your instinct may be to call your trusted roofing company, it is better to call a certified chimney company, such as The Mad Hatter. Here’s why.

7 Common Chimney Dangers & How To Prevent Them

Common chimney dangers and how to prevent them

The primary function of a chimney is to direct smoke, carbon dioxide, and other byproduct gases away from the fireplace and out of the house. Chimneys are one of the most overlooked home features that require routine maintenance. Without proper care, your chimney may suffer from common chimney dangers, including creosote buildup, liner damage, draft obstructions, mold, brick damage, rotting wood, and even fires. 

5 Benefits of Annual Chimney Inspections

5 Benefits of annual chimney inspections

According to the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA), the national safety standard is that all “Chimneys, fireplaces, and vents shall be inspected at least once a year for soundness, freedom from deposits, and correct clearances.” This applies to all chimneys, no matter how often you use your chimney

Chimney Chase Restoration

Chimney Chase Restoration We Restore Damaged Chimney Chases! The Mad Hatter can restore the damaged chimney chase at your home or on chimneys located around your apartment community. We also offer custom chimney caps and rain pans to help keep moisture and wildlife out of your chimney. Contact our team for a free service quote. Proud […]